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How to accept a loss

Losing is likely the most common occurrence we as humans face daily. Whether we are learning a new skill, engaging in a competitive sport, or if we have been working to close that six-figure business deal at work to lock in a shiny vacation at the end of the quarter.

Losing is a fact in life, and we must remain adaptable in any scenario. We seek validation in others while ignoring the growth of the individual. Others who have little to no insight regarding the details of said loss are quick to assert their opinions on the matter. By adopting, we can not only put ourselves in a position to learn from these inevitable losses, but we can TRULY appreciate what it means to win. Now the last thing I would like is for you to think that losing, in any case, is acceptable because it is not. Not because life is a competition or we are attempting to beat the next person. Winning and losing are entirely internally driven. Simply put, I HATE how I feel after a loss because I know how much work I put in to win. The time when it doesn't pay off is painful, but not considering those feelings or ignoring them can ultimately be dangerous to our future selves.

Reflection is KEY.

Some can spend all day with their thoughts and feeling to a point where their reflection becomes dialogue back and forth on how to perfect their craft. Some seek the rare opportunity to succeed so badly they become their own coach. Some others will question the winner's mental state while forgetting the best coach is yourself. I seek to explore this dialogue I have with myself through this blog so that anyone who has come to understand the benefit of taking time to reflect may know they aren't alone in their journey. I also seek to share ways anyone can make incremental improvements by turning inward.

The Battle Doesn't End When the Fight is Over.

It's okay to strive for greatness, just like it is okay to accept a loss for what it is; a loss is but a temporary crack in the suit of armor. When you win, it's easy; you get to clean and hang the armor up for the next fight while celebrating. The challenge comes when you barely survive the war, and the armor is in pieces. You now have a decision, do you hang the armor up never to realize victory, or do you take the time to repair the armor, understanding how you could have avoided the damage to begin with? Does that time alone with your thoughts as you replay the battle repeatedly sharpen your skills? Does every crack drive you to reflect on the hours, days, or weeks you spent melding it into the perfect shape?

I've realized that the winner doesn't lose...they prepare for the next battle.

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